Monday, February 7, 2011

story for holiday...

Feb 2 - 6, 2011

hye hye hye.. selalu lambat je update story mory kat blog ni.. for all my chinese's fen.. Happy Chinese New Year ya.. i wished already at fb but not in my blog.. its so sorry because too late.. to my malay's fren, i confirm u all also feeling this celebration even we're not totally celebrate that New Year.. gong xi fa cai ya!!

happy chinese new year!! :)

refer to my story for holiday, i think not really interested to share but juz read la ok.. huhu.. juz want to share some picture that captured by my sis and bro when we back to pontian,johor last week.. this holiday was actually a little bit chaos coz we had to waited for my sis at kulim and her ticket was on 3 Feb - 12.00 am.. and she arrived at Jalan Duta 5.00 in the morning.. owh..its so hard to woke up early..huhu.. and the worst thing that we doesn't prepared and packed anything for going to pontian.. so.. our reward is need to hear my mum "dont stop" babbling.. haha.. serves ours right..!!

our journey to Pontian, Johor takes 5 hours from Rawang and i juz sleep until arrive at my village.. my sis and dad said that they see some village nearest the highway are flooded and only see the roof. kesiannya.. :(

Pontian are very famous with their pineapples and we can see a lot of pineapples plant at the farm.. sangat luas..serius!! for ur info, the pineapple's worker need to plants 30,000 pineapples to get RM1500 a month... because the value for each pineapple is 5 cent. so, the more we plant, more money that we will get.. $$$

pineapple's farm

we are very excited meeting my grandmum, aunties and uncles...not forget also my cousins, niece and nephews... we feel like Hari Raya because most of the family were here gathering together.. huhu... we stayed about 3 days and 2 nite and have some opportunity visit some beach that located at town of Pontian, it is the time to capture some pictures.. <3

making chaos at beach.. huhu

well..this is story for this week.. bye.. :)