Thursday, January 31, 2013

Morning peeps!

FAMILY means father and mother i love you. Without them, we will never exist in this wonderful world. For me, the only biggest gift from Allah s.w.t is being a daughter to Shafie b. Hj. Othman and Munisah bt. Hj. Abd Kahir. They raise me up with full of attention and love. Every of my stubborn and mistakes, they handle and settle it with patient and logical. My papa is a cool and funny person, but my mum most likely want to be a successful person or i can said like 'iron lady'. She do everything for family with one reason - want every single of her child success in world and hereafter. All parent in the world want the children raise up with a beautiful path and way of life, same goes to my parent. For me, we are nothing but with them, we everything. :)

both of them.. 

Actually nak story mory pasal aktiviti family yang kami selalu lakukan, macam berjalan-jalan... tapi buat masa ni, yang kerap sangat adalah aktiviti mencari barang amy (my second siser) sebab dia nak pergi belajar di AUSTRALIA!!! Adoi..kenapa lah budak-budak sekarang ni pandai-pandai. So, i gonna share our family activities within this few weeks.

berlatih tarik beg...huu

operasi memilih beg yang terbaik

jalan-jalan di semua house, KL

syurga coklat - haniffa supermarket, KL

nurul amirah shafie :D


jalan-jalan kamdar

dah dapat beg terbaik ;D


persekitaran KL

dinner di perantau hill, bangi

For this page, i shared a few activities and place that we hanging and gathering together. will share a few stories in other post.... see ya...

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