Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my fren and i at taiwan :)

Taiwan….. mula2 dapat taw, dapat g sana… macam2 perasaan yg muncul… ok ke? Boleh ke? Nak makan ape? Ada org islam ke? Persoalan tu tak dapat dijawab selagi berada di Malaysia.. but sangat excited coz g ngan segerombolan (hahaha..padahal 4 org je) ngan rakan2 yg sgt best… iaitu Anis Fatina, Mohd Shafiq dan Thai Jin Yow..  actually tak berapa kenal sgt pun yg lagi dua ni… Kenal Shafiq masa kat dinner sebab die jadi MC and Thai masa program Green Scout…  Anis is my bestfren, so sgt happy bile dapat g ngan die… 

Nov 14, 2010

Habis je exam, terus bergegas balik umah tok preparation g Taiwan… baju, seluar, kasut, and the most important adalah MAKANAN… penuh  beg ngan segala macam makanan.. hehee…  0530 da kuar dari rawang n bertolak g KLIA.. satu family ikut.. huhu.. kunun nye na tengok kak long naek kapal terbang.. mentang2 ler I tak tak pernah naek, so beraninye mereka memperkotak-katikkanku… huhu… sampai KLIA, terus kol kawan2 yg laen, time tu Anis da on da way, Thai pun on da way, tapi Shafiq still ada kat umah… ha..biar btol.. mybe umah die dekat kot.. so, okla kuar lambat skit… and terusla g wat procedure yg bagai2 tu sampai settle. Actually tak pandai, but my dad was always guided me… huhu… I love u, Papa.. semua da ready, tinggal Shafiq sorg.. mane Shafiq ni, tunggu punya tunggu, Shafiq pun sampai… nasib baik ler on the time.. kalau tak, kami babai Shafiq dari tingkap kapal terbang je ek.. hoho.. Perjalanan ke Taipei mengambil masa 4 jam 35 minit… huh, puas tido dalam kapal terbang.. siap berpindah2 sekejap dok sebelah Anis, sekejap dok sebelah Thai… Shafiq kat depan, so takley nak bergambar n ckp2 ngan die.. then, sampai Taipei, kami menaiki satu taxi yg agak mewah untuk ke National Yunlin University…. And perjalanan mengambil masa 2 Jam setengah.. hahaha… panas punggung kami.. hahaha… sampai je University tu, we was very excited with the surrounding.. sgt bersih!! Totally different… and kami dijemput oleh Annie, Jeffrey and 2 other s student for arrange our dorm and stuff.. and after that, we walked and looking around the university… and the first words that I can said that time is CANTIK GILER!!!

 this is Map of Taiwan and we at Yunlin :)

 sitting with Thai in flight

Nasi Lemak di dalam kapal terbang.. nyumy...

i'm at Taiwan... hehe

Nov 15, 2010

Nyaman gile tdo kat cni, sejuk bangat.. hoho… kalau g honeymoon, sure best gile.. J pagi ini kami dikehendaki berjumpa dengan pegawai di bahagian International untuk diberi sedikit penerangan berkaitan dengan NYUST(short form for National Yunlin University Science and Technology) and after that, we going to Office of Student Affair for paying some fees but nobody wants ur money… hahaha… after that, we meet Prof. Jay Jay (he looks like Dr. Ramdzani.. hehe J)Yang paling bestnye, tak sangka la plak yang budak laki berdua ni (Thai and Shafiq) pun kuat bergambar… and we had a lot of picture that the words that actually we need to get and write down for our details information at Malaysia.. prof Jay Jay treated us “Chin ce nai ca”, the best tea in Taiwan and its taste soooo delicious.. tak caya Tanya la anis, Shafiq and Thai… huhu… sedap2…  and we going to jalan2 around campus again but the other side.. NYUST was so big and there are many nice places for taking pictures and get some new frensss…. And 1700 we going to Carrefour for buying some stuff… 
 Love this pic... credit to Shafiq.. :)

With some frens at taiwan..
 our faculty here :)

four of u..together always :)

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